Name : YAMAMOTO CPA OFFICE (established in 2017)
Organization : We are working through a network of 5 independent experienced CPAs.
This allows us to form a team of an appropriate size with necessary skills for each job.
Address : Regus Ginza 1-Chome Center, Ginzadaiei Bldg. 5F, 1-16-7 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
104-0061 JAPAN
Representative: Shigeru Yamamoto
Qualification : Japanese CPA, Japanese Tax Accountant,
US CPA (passed the qualification exam, not registered)
Language : Japanese and English
Professional experiences :
Engaged in audits of small & medium-sized subsidiaries of German and Swiss companies.
2009-2017 Sonderhoff & Einsel
Engaged in audits of more than 50 small & medium-sized companies. Most of them are Japanese subsidiaries of
German companies. There were also subsidiaries and joint corporations of other European (Switzerland, Austria,
Holland, France, Denmark and Italy) and US companies.
2003-2007 PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Engaged in audits of various financial institutions. The period when I was working at PwC is the time when Japan
finally started to grapple with massive amounts of the bad debts that had been brought forward from the Bubble
Economy of the late 1980s. Therefore, I was being quite busy in assessing bad debts that financial institutions had
and in auditing funds and credit servicers that purchased the bad debts from financial institutions.
1992-1998 The Bank of Tokyo (presently The Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ)
Spent first 3 years in Kobe to do deposit operation, trade finance and foreign exchange. Also experienced the Kobe
Earthquake in 1995. Was sent to Shanghai to study Chinese language for the next 1 year. Spent the last 2.5 years in
Hong Kong to be a loan officer. Most of the clients at that time were Japanese companies that had built or were going
to build factories in China.